I sleep all night and I work all day ♫
This has been a good week for new adventures! Last night a group of us gathered to celebrate on of my best friend's birthdays, and because she thinks outside the norm, we went axe throwing. The evening was, without a doubt, the most fun I've had in quite a while.
Gotta get that bullseye photo (with the official WATL axe) |
So the place is in West Midtown and is called Bad Axe Throwing. Naturally I fell in love with the pun. We had our own lane and we took turns learning different ways to sling axes and hatchets at the targets. My personal favorite means of jamming the axehead in the board was underhand, behind-the-back, and my surprising ability to stick it earned me the nickname "Trick Shot McGee" from our coach. We're all pretty sure the skill came solely from the fact that I was wearing flannel. Of course I could never stick it when the camera was on me... (I gotta say, though - if you want to see some real trick shots, check out @badaxethrowing on Instagram.)
Our coach was great at giving us the rundown on how to throw the axes, and then (with supervision) let us loose on the targets. Turns out, there are a lot of games you can play with axe throwing - pretty much any game you can play with darts translates to axe throwing, as well as fan favorite HORSE, known in this world as TIMBER (full disclosure: the other team went down, they were yelling timber). Did you know there's a competitive World Axe Throwing League? Neither did I. Maybe that's a new adventure for the future... I will say this: I definitely plan on going back. And it looks like there's another axe throwing center opening up in Atlanta called Bury the Hatchet (again with the glorious puns!), so maybe I'll have to try that too!
Bonus Adventures
Turns out axe throwing wasn't enough this week. I also had the opportunity to check out a set of fascinating destinations in metro Atlanta for work this past Friday. First up was Lifecycle Building Center, which is all about reclaiming building materials, and offers DIY and nonprofit project programs. Following a tour of their facility, we stopped into the Busy Bee Cafe for some comfort food and left feeling full (plus cameoed in Genius Kitchen's show Carnivorous). The Busy Bee is truly an Atlanta institution, and I'm a bit disappointed in myself for not making my way to the West End for some soul food sooner. Lastly, we traveled down to the community of Serenbe near Chattahoochee Hills. I'd heard nothing but amazing stories from all of my coworkers who have been to the community (and especially to the Serenbe Playhouse), and it was great to finally see why they love visiting.
And if discovering new (for me) destinations in my backyard wasn't enough, I ended up trying a new ingredient in my cooking earlier this week. Anyone who knows my eating habits knows I love cauliflower. Well, this week I tried Violet Queen cauliflower, or purple cauliflower. I sprinkled it in sesame oil, curry powder and red pepper flakes, popped it in the oven for a bit and wound up having a delicious side dish! I will definitely be trying orange and green cauliflower sometime in the near future. Have any favorite cauliflower recipes? Drop 'em in the comments below.
Well, that's all for this week (and let's be honest: that was more than enough). Looks like I'll be checking out a new (again, for me) brewery this upcoming week, so I'm definitely looking forward to that. We'll see what else comes my way!
Post Playlist
"The Lumberjack Song" by Ponty Python
"Timber" by Pitbull ft. Ke$ha (don't judge)